Band of Brothers: The Netherland Locations

I visited the Dutch Band of Brother locations after a weekend in Amsterdam! It was great to get away from the city and walk in Easy Company’s footsteps through the Dutch countryside. It also was Memorial Day and felt like a good time to visit and see what these guys experienced made famous by the HBO mini-series “Band of Brothers.”

The Battle of the Crossroads

Easy Company fought in the Battle of the Crossroads in October 1944 in The Netherlands. The TV show “Band of Brothers” made the battle well known by dedicating an episode to the battle. The area where the actual battle happened is a quiet area located among farms and small roads. “The Island”, an area surrounded by rivers and canals, is where the battle was located.

The crossroads battle occurred right here where these dikes are. There is a small memorial explaining the history of the battle and the area. The smaller dike is where the battle started when Dick Winters climbed up the small dike and discovered about 150 German soldiers on the other side. The field where the rest of Easy Company was behind Winters is tall grass and wide open!

The battle was an American victory and Easy Company subdued the larger German Company and reinforcements. This was part of a larger battle for The Netherlands but Easy Company left its mark at the crossroads.

The Schoonderlogt Farm

The famous photo of Dick Winters was taken in front of the Schoonderlogt Farm archway. It’s located a few kilometers to the southeast of the crossroads. The 506 PIR used the farm as a command post during its occupation of the area. The memorial, located across the street, has the famous photo of Winters etched into the marble. Today it appears as just a regular family farm and there’s a barn and some vehicles in the courtyard and a reminder sign saying it’s private property.

Dick Winters of Easy Company standing in front of the Schoonderlogt Farm during WW2
Dick Winters standing in front of the Schoonderlogt Farm archway in The Netherlands during WW2
When did the Battle of the Crossroads happen?

The battle happened on the morning of 5 October 1944.

When was the photo of Dick Winters taken at Schoonderlogt Farm?

The photo was taken in October 1944 in The Netherlands.